Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

grandma party

this is my grandma.
hehehe,, this photograph was taken when my grandma celebrate her birthday.
this party was celebrate on KABAYAN traditional restaurant.
this party its never unforgettable..

Proud with my photograph..

this is my latest picture from my Camera,
humm i don't know,what people said..
but i really like it..
i take it on beach. near Helipad..
hope you like it..

this place remember me about something that i can't forget..
wow,this is a place for my memories from junior high school..it's very cool place, where i can play with my Fellasl..
hummmm,,remember those memories,make me wanna cry. its so hard to see all fellas now,
they all has been moved to other school or other province like my BFF Chipenk..

gue dapet ni gambar emang butuh kesabaran...hehehhe.bermodal kamera LSR temen..semua bisa jadi aman...hahahaha
tapi sayangnya kemaren PENSI smada kita ga jadi pameran..nassibbb...no problem trus semangat jadi fotografer profesional..
i know i can do it..just keep study about how to use the camera and try to shot something.
for My Friend keep fighting to search some photograph and then we can show it at school..